Thursday, 22 March 2012

What are the Strategies of autobiographical performance making?

Week Nine:

21 March 2012

Guest Lecturer: Jim Kenworth:

Jim Kenworth is a playwright who wrote the play 'WHEN GHANDI MET CHAPLIN.'

He is also a Arts educator and Creative Writing Tutor. Other plays he has written is: Polar Bears, Johnny Song, and Gob.

For more on his work and workshops visit his page:

He also got a blog site that hasn't been updated since 2009 but it is worth looking into if you interested in his inspirations for his plays.


Jim Kenworth went through some writing exercises with us on how to be able to let our creativity flow and some methods that will be able to help us. Through a variety of examples he demonstrated how a small idea can be transformed into a great story.

Also as an agenda for the lesson we looked at how to structure a piece of work using a three act structure. Within this structure we had to have a beginning, middle and end.

Exercise One: Responding to the word:

In this exercise Kenworth called out a number of words and our task was to write what popped into our head when we heard the word. This was a great exercise because it allowed us to associate the word with what we originally associate it with instead of like normally we would think of a word that would make sense to go with the other word. As Kenworth likened it to 'child-like behavior,' saying how children allow their imagination to guide them and to do this exercise we have to allow our child-like behavior to submerge.

It was interesting to hear the different words people came up with to represent the words on the left of the table. In each case everyone had a different word to each other.

Exercise Two: Free-Writing:

In this exercise similar to the other free-writing we did before we had to start off with I am writing and write for two minutes.

I am writing about thoughts that continually cloud my mind. Thoughts of sorrow and pain, these that always lead me back to the darkness that I try so hard to escape. It makes me crave death so much more. I am going insane. Maybe this is what is building me, but why does it have to be so hard to live a normal life? You would think the older you get the more ambitious and free you will be. But for me it makes me feel more trapped, more closed in and struggling to get out. There is only one solution I keep coming back to and that is death. Only then will I be totally free. Is this who I am meant to be?

Exercise Three: Instant Stories:

Write a sentence that links three things into a very short story, keeping them in the same order.
Choose any of the following three things and begin your story with on of the opening sentences:
1) Today I would like to...(book, shoe, penguin)
2) I don't understand why...(computer, crocodile, toast)
3) The world would be a better place if...(television, chicken, bed)


I don't understand why the computer gave all the information about the crocodile but it didn't stop me burning all the toast.

The world would be a better place if everything on television wasn't about violence and making the victims look like chicken'sjust so that the perpertrator could sleep better in their bed.

Today I would like to read a bookwhile putting on my shoesand find out what happened to the penguin.

I don't understand why the computer shows the crocodilehow to eat toast.

Exercise Four: Structure: Techniques: Tip 1:

Your Premise:

Sum up your scene or drama in 3 - 4 lines.

This is a scene...(describe your hero)
Who...(What s/he wants more than anything else)
but...(Name of overwhelming obstacles preventing the realization of their goal)
and...(tease us with an ending)

This scene is about a angry, disappointed and desperate musical geek who wants to propose to his girlfriend at the Glastonbury Festival but as he goes down on one knee the heaven's open and flooding the place erupting the crowd in chaos knocking him over into the mud and he drops the ring while his girlfriend gets carried away by the crowd.

This layout of instant stories is said to be used by Hollywood's elites just in case they get stuck in an elevator with a movie director. They use this to give a quick review of their play and it covers the most important elements.

Exercise Five: Your Story - The Potted Version:

In this exercise we need to make a one minute monologue using the story we created in the Instant stories exercise. This time using the potted version. This version can be used to out together any kind of story. It gets to the truth of the story (Core/heart of the story).

This story is about(theme)...
The main character is...
It takes place (location)...
The main characters wants...
So s/he(what do they do to get their want)...
However(What gets in their way)...
In desperation s/he...
But that backfires when...
Things reach a dramatic peak when...
At this point a truth is revealed...
The story ends when...
As a result of all this the main character has changed somehow...

George wanted to propose to Emily, so he bought tickets to the Glastonbury Festival and a lovely diamond ring. However during the festival it began to rain really hard and the festival got flooded. With the momentum of the crowd George and Emily got separated. In his desperation to find her, George tripped and the ring went flying out of his hand. Covered in mud, George began digging through the mud in a bid to find the ring. Depleted and tired he gave up and decided to look for Emily. As he looked around he caught a glimpse of another girl wearing a ring similar to the one he lost. As he walked closer he overheard her telling her friend that she found it on the ground as everyone rushed out of the rain.

This potted version can be used within a solo performance piece. It is the ups' and down (arcs) of a play.

Exercise Six: Tag lines:

This is a memorable phrase that will sum up the tone and premise of a film/play.

Trust a few. Fear the rest: X-Men

'Before you die, you see...: The Ring

Love is a force of nature: Brokeback Mountain

His history will touch you, even though he can't: Edward Scissorhands

To enter the mind of a killer, she must challenge the mind of a madman: Silence of the lambs

Every dog has his day: Reservoir Dogs

Afternoon Workshop:

In today's class we in groups of three we had to perform our pieces and get feedback. Then as a group of 10 we performed again and got feedback and guidance from the teacher as to how our performance is going.


Kenworth, J. 'Jim Kenworth: Playwright and Arts Educator,' (Accessed 22 March 2012)
Kenworth, J. 'Jim Kenworth Blogspot,' (Accessed 22 March 2012)

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Extra Readings:

Jeffries, s. (2009) 'Sophie Calle: Stalker, Striper, Sleeper, Spy,' Guardian 23/09/09 (Online) Available at

This artist not only takes pictures of herself nude but used the to make art. She also wrote books about other people she came across. There were people she followed and took pictures of, always documenting her findings. After the death of her mother she traveled to her mother's desired location and went about burying personal items belonging to her mother than documenting the ritual of doing these things. Personal experiences from her life she documented as a journal, writing everyday of events and feelings always including at least one photograph. Within some of her work she documented other people's worst memories, saying, 'Their stories did have a side effect: they made my pain manageable.'

Her texts read like detective reports, or a psychiatrist's case notes, or even a Le Monde journalist's deadly prose.

'Sophie Calle is a French artist who works with photographs and performances, placing herself in situations almost as if she and the people she encounters were fictional. She also imposes elements of her own life onto public places creating a personal narrative where she is both author and character. She has been called a detective and a voyeur and her pieces involve serious investigations as well as natural curiosity.' (Accessed 18 March 2012)

The website below shows exhibitions of her work:
(accessed 18 March 2012)

Birbiglia, M. 'Sleepwalk with me: And other painfully true stories,' London: Simon & Sehuster.

Mike Birbiglia is a one man comedian. This piece of work follows a young boy from when he was twelve all the way into adulthood, touching on subjects of girls, masturbation, making out, and then finding out he had cancer aged nineteen. From this piece of writing you can see that the writer has made it universal because these are topics that every teenage boy goes through once they reach puberty and the fact that the writer is using his own personal experiences within this piece makes it extraordinary because he is comfortable to share intimate details of his life with his audience. This allows the audience to not only join him through his journey but also to understand and maybe in some way allow them to respond to what happened within the performance.

This video is a look at his piece 'Sleepwalk'

This is his official site: where you can follow him on facebook, twitter ot join up to his mailing list as well as get more information about him.

This year (2012) Mike Birbiglia's Sleepwalk with me is being made into a movie.

A burgeoning stand-up comedian struggles with the stress of a stalled career, a stale relationship, and the wild spurts of severe sleepwalking he is desperate to ignore.

Darren O'Donnell: A suicide-Site Guide to the City

Suicide-site Guide to the City offers a way to blend touches of real-time engagement with a polished, fully rehearsed performance.

Within this reading you could tell the performer used experiences from his life in which he told in a narrative way at times playing two different characters.
Before the show began he walked around and interacted with the audience in order to get material but also to understand the kind of audience he was going to be performing for, in a way you can say he constructed his show around his audience.
He speaks a lot about suicide and the notion of dying but also how he is holding onto life and what he does to overcome this feeling.
He keeps going back and forth between stories, he would start telling a story but in the middle begin another story and then return to where he left off on the other story.
In some scenes he play two characters but from his stage directions he says he doesn't show a definite distinction between the two.  
He used repetitive sounds and voice overs throughout his performance.
I like how even during his performance he talks about the things that  at may happen after the performance and how the audience will react, in a way mapping out the events of the future.
There is one scene were he speaks to the present and the past.
He also makes reference to items that don't speak, like the streetcar, but he gives the car a voice, what is would say if it could speak and how it has it's own stories to speak about in what it sees and the different things that the people it passes go through.

I can understand some of what he was talking about more personally and have highlighted words and phrases of things that I would personally think about:

The insanity in the world - the terror that is supposedly pounding on our doors - and, for the duration, you can just be. (106)
I'm sick of pretending.  I have a small hope that we'll crash and I'll never have to pretend again.  I am very curious about what happens in death. (107)
I think about death all the time. I love sleeping and dreaming.  Which is sort of what I imagine death is going to be like.  

I have found that through my free-writing a lot of the thoughts of death that I have been feeling and thinking about is seen.  In a way while reading this play I could see a bit of myself in certain parts.


Birbiglia, M. 'Sleepwalk with me: And other painfully true stories,' London: Simon & Sehuster.
Jeffries, s. (2009) 'Sophie Calle: Stalker, Striper, Sleeper, Spy,' Guardian 23/09/09 (Online) Available at (Accessed 18 March 2012)
O'Donnell, D. 'A Suicide-Site Guide to the City
Whitechapel Gallery (2009) 'Sophie Calle: Talking to Strangers,' (accessed 18 March 2012)
Youtube (2008) 'Mike Birbiglia Sleepwalks,' (Accessed 18 March 2012)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

How has solo performance been used to explore gender and feminism?


14 March 2012:


Today's guest lecturer was GEM RUDD-ORTHNER:

[GemSkii is a ]one woman show 'TRANSFORMATION' a true story. A highly physical retelling of [her] life and the events that led [her] to need to transform and how [she] managed to do it. Inspirational, gutsy, raw. Used now as a performance tool with accompanying issue and non issue based workshops. Fringe award winning show.

[She] do[es] cabaret and have a body rhythms performance. [She has] pieces on sexuality and love writing new things. (Gemskii, 2012:

Gemskii is a very interesting solo performer who uses her life stories within her performances. The way she expresses herself through dance, movement, song and text is fascinating to watch. She performed a number of of her solo pieces for us but the one that I felt more connected to and in a way understand was her piece called 'TRANSFORMATION. She speaks about her life from a very young age from her mother divorcing her father and how she had three other dads. Moving to Ireland and her upbringing from there, living in a huge home with many animals, being private schooled. She also speaks about serious matters of abuse, self-harming, attempting suicide and drug use and addiction.

As she begins her performances you cannot help by be drawn into her story. She graduated from East 15 and is trained in dance, ballet, acting among the rest. A three times convicted criminal she works with a lot of ex-offenders.

An organization that [Gemskii] discovered on probation for drug possession. They were part of the beginning of her [piece] 'TRANSFORMATION.' [Gemskii] worked with them whenever possible and they champion [her]. [She is] one of their ambassadors. (Gemskii, 2012:



Humor (I like how Gemskii took serious matters and added humor to them. People don't like hearing sad stories especially when they go see a show because they are trying to get away from the seriousness of their own lives. But the way Gemskii portrayed and done the piece still gets the message out there about what happened to her but it makes it a bit more milder because of the way she does it.

Transitions (Her transitions from one aspect of her life to the next was fluid and amazingly done. One piece flowed into the next without so much as a break between)

Stage - Use of Space (She mapped out her stage well and had a part for every element/place of her life)

Movement (She moved effortlessly and gracefully. Even though she could be portraying something that has weight she still managed to do it in a way that looks wonderful. As she used elements of dance, song, text/speech she managed to move from one discipline to the next effortlessly)

Improvisation (Gemskii talks about using a lot of improvisation within her work, like reacting to a sound or when someone enters the room. Because everyone else can hear it the performer needs to react too, this bring realism to the performance and also by being able to stay open to whats happening around it enables the performer not to get distracted and able to improvise if need be)

Universal (Her piece was universal in the sense that you could relate to what she was saying and performing. Even when she used props, if allows the audience member to be taken back to something similar, it is like a trigger)


Within her piece 'timebomb' she speaks about being a lesbian and how she can turn any straight girl. She breaks the fourth wall, like all her other performances but this time she actually goes into the audience and uses physicality.


Gemskii speaks about this piece as being one of her pieces that she does not believe in. This is a song based piece and Gemskii dresses up into a costume that looks like a 'ringmasters' attire. In this piece she talks about the government and the laws that govern us all asking 'Who owns me/you?' The information is revolutionary stuff and gives the message that what ever law is written can be unwritten.

Her inspiration for this piece was due to an amount of parking tickets that she had received, she was then told by another person that she can get away with not paying them. After some research and writing of letters so realized that the person way right and she didn't have to pay the fines. In a way saying that there is always a way to get round things.


In this piece Gemskii comes on stage weighted down with bags and they keep falling down as she can't carry them. The bags are a metaphor for the amount of baggage that people carry around with them. She went on to describe which bag was from who and how she felt naked without them because they are a part of her. This is showing how people just keep picking up baggage in their lives even if they don't need it and they find so hard of letting go of that baggage because they are so used to having it around.

This is one of the piece that the props can spark a memory in an audience member allowing them to relate to something in their own lives. This piece was the first piece that she performed for us that made use of character and voice/accent because she was acting as someone else instead of herself.

The message in this piece:
Baggage slows you down but you need to let go of it and move on because somewhere along the way you are going to pick up more baggage.


This was purely a song piece in which all she did was stand in one spot, kneel down and get up all the while singing. She showed us this piece in order to show us that even without movement you can still make a solo piece powerful and meaningful. This was a piece from the 'Criminal Cabaret,' that was done by women with criminal records. It was a song about addictions and she talks about how song is helpful because it still gives a piece of you to the audience.



As a warm-up exercise and a way for her to learn our names we did the 'Name Game.' However this game we had to clap our tights, and click our fingers all together to make a rhythm. As the game went on on the first click you were meant to say your name and one the second click a name of someone else in the circle. If the person is too slow they have to stand on one leg and continue the game, if they slow the next time they have to stand on one leg and close their eyes. This was a game that needed focus as well as good listening and fast thinking.


Similar to the game samurai but this time you go round in the circle and have to touch the next person in one move for them to be out. However, you can move and avoided being touched to stay in the game.When you get down to the last two they have to stand back to back and a category is chosen, e.g. food. Every time a food item is said you take one step but once she says fight the first person to say 'Yah,' is the winner. This was another focus game but also you needed speed.



Vision and place -turning an idea into reality
Exploring yourself- How open do you want to be/only have yourself?
Alone on stage/Self-reliance
Creating tension and conflict on stage
Restriction in Set Changes
Express the self - through movement
Develop artistic self
Multi-character restrictions
Keep it true/interesting
How to make the personal universal
Too much material/not enough


Improve your own lines
Multiple skills
Your Ideas
Go to risky places
Using own talents
Cheaper and easier
Paid more
All Applause for you
Build Confidence
Share your imagination/excitement


Sitting in pairs look into the other person's right eye, and for one minute without blinking keep repeating 'You have every right to be here and so do I.'
Next look in the person's left eye and carry out the same exercise.

What I got from this exercise is while I was saying the phrase I was able to not think about blinking. Gemskii said that if you right handed you are able to look into the right eye without blinking and if you left handed the left eye. However, I didn't have any difficulty looking into either eye as long as I kept focused. During the exercise my eyes were welling up with tears and because I was concentrating I could actually see the eye filling up. When looking into my partners eye I could see their pupil dilating and the iris getting bigger.

Got You Two'S:

Walk in the room make eye contact with everyone. Say your name, something people don't know about you and then perform a party trick.

Walk in the room look into everyone's right eye and once you beginning saying your name look into everyone's left eye.


When you get your text, stretch it but doing many things with it. Saying it in a different accent, loud or soft. Push yourself out of your comfort zone.


PHYSICAL SCORE - write it and think of action then learn it.
BELIEVE IN YOUR MATERIAL - that is the only way you will be able to do it properly and show the reality of it.
CENTER STAGE - This is the most powerful place on the stage and also allows the audience to feel comfortable.
DOWN STAGE CENTER - this is the part of the stage you can stand if you want to get in the audiences faces and make them uncomfortable.


Comments from the morning session.

1) Mapping the space - finding areas on the stage of areas within your piece e.g. house, school.
Geographical performance - as each place on stage could represent a different area/country/place of birth.
2) Objects/props - Think of how you can work with it. Start using it from the
beginning of your rehearsal process so you can get used to it.
3) Repetition - Changes from one form to the next. Movement, song, text. Where can you repeat certain things.

In solo performance you don't get feedback but in our pieces we can use the four stages of feedback.

Liz Lerman's Critical Response:

The Process

The artist offers a work in progress for review and feels prepared to question that work in a dialogue with other people.
The responder's, committed to the artist's intent to make excellent work, offer reactions to the work in a dialogue with the artist.
The facilitator's watch this process and make sure no one jumps ahead of the steps.

Four Steps of Feedback:

1) Statement of meaning (What was interesting?)

Responders state what was meaningful, evocative, interesting, exciting.

2) Artist asks questions (Responses do not contain suggestions for change)

Artists ask questions about the work. After each question, the responder's answer. Responder's may express opinions id they are in direct response to the question and do not contain suggestions.

3) Neutral Questions (They do not have an opinion couched to them)

Responder's ask questions about the work. The artist responds. (Neutral when they don't have an opinion).

4) Opinion Time (Artists have the options to decline opinions)

Responder's state opinions, subject to permission from the artist. The artist can agree or disagree to hear the opinion.


In groups of four, each person performing their 4 minute piece and follow the four steps of feedback with one person being the facilitator.

Notes/feedback for solo piece:

Do tasks as your alter-ego
Think about using shadowing, by using a sheet.
Think about why I have created an alter-ego.
How is the alter-ego different from me.
Choose one idea and develop it.
Baggage/heavy load.

Next week:

Bring a stage map saying what place on the stage is for your piece.
Bring a 6minute performance piece.
Objects/music that you going to use.
Bring free-writing and text.
Stage/space map

Reading One:

Merson, S. (2004) Your name here: An Actor and Writer's Guide to Solo Performance. Star Publish

In this reading it gives you an idea of what to include in a solo piece and how to structure it. It explains the differences between the different types of artists and gives useful questions to consider when making your own piece. Through examples of the writers own stories, Merson builds a visual of her own memories by talking about objects, issues that are important in the character eyes. Due to the use of intricate detail within the stories, the audience feels welcomed into the performers world and see what the performer sees. Merson talks about defining between 'I' and her/him within your piece saying that within in a solo performance the artist/performer can use both forms within their piece. When using the third person it allows the performer to take a step out of their own performance and become an observer of their piece and see what the audience sees.

... Emotionally, artistically and even politically are all states of being within a solo performance. Solo performers connect with their passion and have the guts to take the full responsibility of telling their story to the world.
The interpretative artist is the one that takes an existing idea and expresses it through the medium of his/her own consciousness, physicality and experience.
She speaks the truth from her heart against the backdrop of a clear and present World.
As solo artists, we have our own true voice and the world from which to speak.
We are always are own toughest critics. Once you know what your story wants to say you will know which events to choose. Performing any poetic language can be tough if the specific truth of the character is missing.
The responsibility of the actress to create [their] own environment as well as the character.
Marketing and audience development should always be considered when embarking on the solo path. You can use both first and third person in the same piece but be aware of the shift of point of view and what that does to you as a performer and writer.
Be aware of the language that you choose and allow it to become a character in the piece as well. The space must support you. Find the pulse of life within your performance, cast it out over those who are there to share your experience and gather them close for the ride.

Reading Two:

Govan, E., Helen Nicholson and Katie Normington (2007) 'Autobiographical Performance' in Making a Performance: Devising Histories and Contemporary Practices. Routledge. pp 60-72

Autobiographical are narratives were an individuals private stories are offered up for public consumption. Stanislavsky and Brecht (among many others) have offered up theories of acting which are concerned with how performers can apply their own experiences to the role they are playing, a discussion of autobiographical performances demands a consideration of the performance of self rather than the representation of another person. (59)
Selfhood is addressed as performers present a distinct persona to the audience; and the process of reception are heightened as they invite the audience into an active relationship with the material. (60)
Audiences for autobiographical performances are drawn into the relationship with the performer due to the authentic nature of the material and the fact that the story us being told directly to them. (61)
Memory is a key aspect in the creation of autobiographical performance. (63)
Rather working to present named characters that are distanced from themselves, performers can be seen to be performing themselves - or at least versions of themselves. Performers in autobiographical work are often engaged in presenting heightened versions of themselves. (65)
Autobiographical performance heightens an awareness of the complexity of the presentation of self and this is intentionally made explicit to the audience. The self-conscious presentation of the self draws attention of identity which is often the heart of autobiographical performance. (66)
'In a society almost obsessed with self-revelation [such work] makes for interesting alliances and strange readings,' (MacDonald 1995: 193)(71)
It appears that audiences for autobiographical performance is looking to make an authentic connection with the material it is presented with. In autobiographical performance there is always a play between what is truthful and what is make-believe. (71)
The practitioners discussed in this chapter have all created work involving a complex fusion of truth and fiction. In performance they are involved in a presentation of self which is a heightened form of an everyday persona. (72)


Clean Break (Theater, Education, New Writing) (Accessed 15 March 2012)

Govan, E., Helen Nicholson and Katie Normington (2007) 'Autobiographical Performance' in Making a Performance: Devising Histories and Contemporary Practices. Routledge.

Merson, S. (2004) Your name here: An Actor and Writer's Guide to Solo Performance. Star Publish

Social Arts Network (2012)'Gem skii's page' (Accessed 15 March 2012)

Youtube (2008) 'Transformation - trailer,' (Accessed 15 March 2012)

Monday, 12 March 2012

How can solo performances incorporate intercultural performance practices?

Week Seven

7 March 2012


Today we had a guest lecturer MARIE GABRIELLE-ROTIE: She is a choreographer and performer.

She trained as a fine artist (painter and sculptor). When she finished her degree is still was interested in dance and so started doing community dance classes. By accident in 1992 she discovered Butoh (which is a Japanese dance that relies heavily on the work of the feet and needs discipline).

Marie found that Butoh helped her to move creatively. In 1994 she began creating choreography that was both site-specific and for the stage. As she was a trained painter and sculptor she used those elements within her work bu painting with movement and sculpting the space.

Her first solo was Scapula (1999). Scapula was inspired by her education and investigation with philosophy. She made her performances in her bedroom by moving all the furniture to one side and created a working space. This particular performance took her 2 years to make.

She used a lot of controversial images within her work and likes to create her work in sections. Scapula was a piece that was created from various different stands. Marie liked to explore flight, voice work and gravity within her work. In 2003 she did a piece called 'Mutability' in which she used signs of the anatomy. Dressed in a skin colored leotard. This piece started as a specimen in a jar and mutated in various other things.

These are some videos of her work:


Black Mirror:

Black Mirror was a piece Marie did in 2006 that she explored the idea of vampires and witches. While making this piece she asked herself 'how can she deconstruct her image and deconstruct herself,' and therefore began playing with representations of her inner thoughts and emotions. This piece was a Gothic piece. She did a lot of work with her hands, feet and face and tried testing out the center of gravity. She uses the concept of the demonic and the dark self and her inner shadow.

This is her website:

This is a Butoh website that is a non-profit unincorporated organization who since 1997 had all its events directed and produced by Marie Gabrielle-Rotie.

The silent scream in which she uses in one of her pieces or the image of a silent scream is related to Butoh.

Movements emerges from internal movements. She looks a lot at the darkness of the human being vs the darkness of the psyche.

Speaking on how she made her solos, Marie says that 'it is harder to create a solo without struggle.' There are three types of struggles:

1) Mental discipline/struggle: allowing yourself to go inside your head and be open to sharing your thoughts.
2) Self-Belief: Believing in your work and in your ability to do the work.
3) Distance yourself: Being able to make sense of what you're doing while doing it. SO being able to detach yourself from your work in order to be able to see it critically and see what is working and what is not.

You need to learn to see yourself from the inside out.



The first exercise that Marie got us to do was to place 13 chairs in a row and those that had volunteered had to sit in a neutral position. She then pointed to people in the audience and asked them to give one instruction but it had to be precis such as move your right elbow towards your right ear. In total 3 instruction had to be given, and the volunteers had to perform these actions in a slow motion. When there was a 4th instruction given it override the 1st instruction and the 2nd and 3rd instruction moved up to one and two.

this exercise in itself was very interesting to watch because just the slowest of the movement and the positions that the participants went into was amazing.

Exercise Two:


This exercise required the participants to stand in neutral and focus on one point in the room pretending you are looking at a horizon. Just like a plant that withers, the participants had to follow their bodies impulses and over the course of 7 and a half minutes make their way to the floor.

When I was doing this exercise at first I felt as though I was going to end up still upright once the 7 and a half minutes past. But as I become concentrated on the one point I had chosen to focus on I could feel my body relax. Slowly without even noticing it at first I could feel my body from my knees begin to soften and at that point I had noticed that my upper body had already slumped over. As I neared the floor I could feel my legs begin to burn because as I was not trying to make my way onto the floor I was following my body's impulses that were guiding me. When the 7 and a half minutes were up I noticed that I was already sitting on the floor.

Exercise Three:


This time from a sitting position we had to make our way to a standing point without using our hands to hold our weight but to find in our body a way to get up naturally. This time this exercise was done over ten minutes. We were told to relax and close our eyes if we wanted to and not to rush but to take our time to feel our body.

Again this exercise took a while for me to get into but then I could feel my body move and eventually change position. Making my way from a sitting position onto my side and my legs made their way to the side of my body, then onto my knees and slowly beginning to stand up straight.

Exercise Four:

Movement with Body:

In this exercise we were given different imaginary objects that we had to work with:

a) A Stone Book,
b) Strangling a chicken,
c) Ivy on the hands,
d) Smoke flowing through a chimney,
e) Garden in a hat.

Over ten minutes we had to go from one movement to the next and try to feel the weight, feel and sensations of the objects. I found it hard with some of the movements to be able to envision them.

Afternoon Workshop:

We started by doing a 'speed dating exercise.'

In two groups as A & B, we had to take it in turns to ask and answer questions about our solo performance such as concept, staging, movement, e.t.c. Within one minute A asked B a question in which B had to answer. Once the minute was up A had to move anti-clockwise to the next person and ask them some questions regarding their solo. We did this for about ten minutes then we changed where B was to ask A the questions and A had to answer.

Next we had to get up with whichever partner we had and try out aspects of our performance, giving one another feedback. We had to make at least a 2 minute performance. Afterwards we all had to share with the class what we had so far, however it was just a showing and no questions or feedback was given.

Solo Performance: Trevor Noah:

I watched a comedy show in which I regard as a solo piece because it was one person who was performing. He is a very popular South African comedian and has only been performing for two years. He bases his work on his own personal experiences and speaks about the differences within the cultures he grew up in referring to the time of apartheid, his father a Swiss white man and his mother a black woman from Soweto. He also ties his performances with the cultures of the other South African people and make fun at the political aspects of the country from the different presidents and also his journey's within Europe and America. He plays each of his characters by changing and taking on their accents and speaking styles and also their movements and gestures. He plays with the concepts of political, historical and cultural in his piece. This relates back to last weeks class in which I was talking about the social/performative of solo performance.

This is his official Site:

In this piece he looks at the President Jacob Zuma:

This video looks at how Trevor Noah started as a comedian:

Reading One:

Dolan, J. (2001) 'Performance, Utopia and the "Utopian Performative'" Theater Journal 53. pp. 455-479

People watch 'live theater' as a means to get ideas in which might help them change aspects of their outside lives, with themselves and/or with others.
Theater audiences attend shows to find meaning and wants to be moved by the performance. They want to hear stories that engage with personal and cultural relationships and critique the social system.
Theater creates a way that people can participate in possibilities for social equity and justice are shared.
Utopian is not restricted to fiction but also include visionary as well as constitutional writings that look and help towards a better society. To make an ideal future, culture has to move farther into a performative in order to make people inspired to act likewise.
I think what this reading is trying to say is that through performance, people get a chance to learn about the troubles facing different people around the world and it is a spring-board for change. If audiences can connect with a performance or come away feeling something from what they have experienced maybe something can be done to make things better therefore making the world a better place, as they say a utopia.

Live theater remains a powerful site at which to establish and exchange notions of cultural taste, to set standards, and to model fashions, trends, and styles. (455)
To use performance as a tool for making the world better, to use performance to incite people to profound responses that shake their consciousness of themselves in the world. (456)
Theater remains, a space of desire, of longing, of loss, in which moved by a gesture, a word, a glance, in which I'm startled by confrontation with morality (my own and others). (456)
Utopia means literally, 'no-place,' and of course was first coined in the sixteenth century by Thomas More. (457)
Ronald Schaer says, 'Utopia, one might say, is the measure of how far a society can retreat from itself when it wants to feign what it would like to become. (457)
Auslander argues, 'against the idea that live performance itself somehow generates whatever sense of community one may experience...mediatized performance makes just as effective a focal point for the gathering of a social group as live performance.' (459)
Feelings and sensibilities, in performance, give rise to what i'm calling the 'utopian performative.' (460)
Many performances, of course, derive their cultural capital by virtue of their location, or from how closely they mirror the properties of high or middlebrow culture, and/or by how enthusiastically they're sanctioned by critics and the theatrical marketplace as 'must see' events. (461)
Dyer's taxonomy of utopia in entertainment includes energy, abundance, intensity, transparency (by which he means sincerity), and community, all of which organized the effective reach of the UT performance series. (464)
Feminist and lesbian performance carried so much weight when it first began to appear, bravely and insistently, in sub cultural places in New York and in communities around the country. Hughes...deconstructed the notion of 'preaching to the converted,' an issue...that political work reaches a too narrow audience of people already persuaded to think progressively. Performance, is a renewal of faith, and progressive politics are always faith-based. (465)
External voices drives Hughes' movement through the piece, from commentators whose names are familiar from national radio and television spin shows, to friends, to agents, to editors calling to exploit her notoriety or to describe it back to her as a good thing. (467)
The danger of theater is in the power of presence, in the power of the transformations it makes possible. (469)
Shaw says, 'I'm just thousand parts of other people mashed into one body. I am not an original person. I take all these pieces, snatch them off of the floor where they land before they get swept under the bed by the light, and I manufacture myself. I wish I could hold time still, just lift it up to that tube of bright fluorescent light to examine it.' (471)
Deb Margolin said, that for a woman, standing up in front of people is a radical political act, expressing, as it does, the desire to speak. (473)
Waiting for Utopia to reveal itself requires grace, provides a ethic for living... (475)
Perhaps the seeds of Utopia are only present at times of failure and apocalypse. (476)
The human capacity to tell stories is one way men and women collectively build a significant and orderly world around themselves...Narratives are a relatively safe or innocuous place in which the reigning assumptions of a given culture can be criticized. (477)
The passion of the audience explains why live performance continues; the desire to see it, to participate in its world-makings perpetuate experiences of utopia in the flesh of performance that might performatively hint at how different the world could feel. (478)
Communitas...tend to be inclusive - some might call it generous. This, is the beginning (and perhaps the substance) of the utopic performative: in the performer's grace, in the audiences generosity, in the lucid power of intersubjective understanding, however fleeting. These are the moments when we can believe in utopia. These are the moments theater and performance make possible. (479).

Reading Two:

Laurie Anderson (1990) 'Out from under: Texts by Women Performance Artists. New York: Theater communication Group. pp. 45 - 53

I looked briefly at this artist in an earlier post.
From this book 'out from under' it looks at Laurie Anderson's work from a female perspective. In her piece 'United States' it looks at different sections, in one she talks about a dream she had in which she saw her mother and in a way she interpreted it as her mother talking to her about her work and how she was a structuralist filmmaker. There is another piece in which she talks about being Jimmy Carter's lover. I think this is focused on how she thinks the presidents act because they are in power. Most of her pieces are made from her own experiences from childhood and also from the way she see's the world.

Reading Three:

Holly Hughes (1990) 'Out from under: Texts by Women Performance Artists. New York: Theater communication Group. pp. 3 - 32

Within her piece 'World without end' Holly Hughes plays with gender bending. While reading the play I got really confused in the way it was written because from time to time you would think she was playing herself (which she probably is) but at other times she talks of herself as a male form. It is a kind of disturbing piece as she speaks about her mother and what she was taught growing up. She speaks about the way she saw her mother and I guess in a kind of incest way. She talks about how she mother hated meat and then switches to talking about paying for his/her girlfriends abortion. In a way I think that she also plays with alter-egos although in her case her alter-ego is a male. She speaks in a way as the view of women that men see and how they objectify and sexualize women. In one segment of the play she speaks about Adam and Eve and how she sees them differently to how they are meant to be.

Holly Hughes is a writer and performer, a “thespian’s thespian.” her body of work which includes 15 solo and group performance pieces was offered by the LA Times: “Holly Hughes is everything you ever wanted in a lesbian performance artist and less.”

This website you can contact the artist or book her for a show but it also looks at who she is and there work.

An Interview with Holly Hughes:

In a review for the New York Time for her theater performance of 'World Without End'

Late in her solo performance piece, ''World Without End,'' Holly Hughes reimagines the story of Adam and Eve as a semiautobiographical, hard-boiled B-movie set in the bohemian environs of the Lower East Side. As the primal couple make love, Ms. Hughes wonders aloud to her partner: ''Buddy, do you have any idea who I am? I am the premier lesbian performance artist from Michigan.''

At once funny and feisty, self-affirming and self-mocking, the scene exemplifies Ms. Hughes's iconoclastic brand of feminist art. In subverting sexual and social stereotypes, she rejects the more solemn, mystical tone of much feminist literature to present a cheerful, rough-and-tumble portrait of unloosed female sexuality. Introducing her version of Adam and Eve, she goes out of her way to address the word ''whore'' and an anti-lesbian epithet with a double-edged good humor. Somewhat ironically, she suggests that they be seen as positive labels for women who are good at sex.


The most astonishing images that emerge from Holly Hughes' densely written solo performance rudely confront a mother's sexuality. In the parking lot of the H&H Bakery in Pinconning, Mich., she beats a porcupine to death with an axe handle and offers the bloody pulp to her daughter as a science project. Inviting her daughter to share the bathtub, she uses her own body to demonstrate the facts of life: "She said she liked to smell herself. It made her a better gardener. There's no word for a woman who has that kind of power over tomatoes." The daughter -- horrified, jealous, aroused -- watches her parents make love on her mother's deathbed. Hughes is at heart a poet, and like the best of them she uses language not to dress up the messy emotions of life but to strip them till they're raw and shivering. Her writing is an unlikely mating of Ntozake Shange's feminist humor-with-anger and Sam Shepard's dirt-plain purity; in a little more than an hour, World Without End travels from Saginaw to the Lower East Side, nailing in the sparsest terms the holy sound of zippers ("Jesus loves that gettin'-naked sound") and the cozy aroma of a Denny's ("things in general frying"). And like a number of her writer-performer contemporaries (David Cale, Chris Durang, Karen Finely), Hughes struggles to find theatrical form for her passionate, impolite content. She mixes narrative, song, and tirade so unpredictably that you almost dread to hear what she'll say next. Yet afterwards it's stunning and satisfying to realize you've been in the hands of a master writer who learned well at her mother's knee, "Nobody's scared enough.

Reading Four:

Karen Finley (1990) 'Out from under: Texts by Women Performance Artists. New York: Theater communication Group. pp. 55 - 70

This is another disturbing artist and the way she does her plays. In the piece 'First Sexual experience, Laundromat,' she speaks about how she is a human penis and when the child is being pushed out of it's mother it is like a giant penis. In the piece Refrigerator she talks about the first memory she has of her father in which is puts her naked body in the refrigerator. This piece seems to focus on her sexual abuse by her father and how her mother was blind to what was happening. The way she describes her experiences is very graphic and you find yourself being drawn in what she is saying as though it is you that it is happening too.

Karen Finley was born in Chicago. her mother was a political activist and her father Buddhist and a practicing jazz musician. She began noticing that 'women had their power sexually rather than economically or politically, so she began talking about that in her work. That's why most of her pieces speak about sexuality and how women are treated by men. Finely does research about a subject that interests her, then enters into a state of deep concentration. Her work comes from an 'emotional commitment to something she feels very urgently about and needs to be changed now.' (Champagne, 1990; 57)

This is a video with live performances by Karen Finely. Scenes taken from the film Mondo New York.


Champagne, L. (1990) 'Out from under: Texts by Women Performance Artists. New York: Theater communication Group.
Dolan, J. (2001) 'Performance, Utopia and the "Utopian Performative'" Theater Journal 53.
Holly Hughes (Accessed 4 March 2012)
Don Shewey (1989) 'Review World Without End' (Accessed 4 March 2012)
Karen Finely (Accessed 4 March 2012)
Karen Finley (2011) 'Live Performance' (Accessed 4 March 2012)
New York Times (1990) 'World Without End' (Accessed 4 March 2012)
Trevor Noah (2010) (Accessed 4 March 2012)
Youtube (2012) 'Township to Stage - Official Trailer featuring Trevor Noah' (Accessed 4 March 2012)
Youtube (2012) 'Trevor Noah: Crazy Normal - President Jacob Zuma's Speech' (Accessed 4 March 2012)

Sunday, 4 March 2012

What are the social/performative functions of solo performance?

Week Six

29 February 2012


In groups we had to look at the reading by Dee Heddon and look for three claims and three counter-claims.

3 Claims:

1) Solo performance is, of course a field rife with self-indulgence and incipient monumental egotism. (159)

I disagree with this statement slightly because yes even though some performers use their own personal life stories within their performance they still include other people that were with them within that memory of time that the story was taken. There are also solo performers that use the stories of other people so it is wrong to say that solo performance is self-indulgent and egotist because the performances are not always about the performer alone.

2) This impoverished site is vulnerable to the imputation that a 'politics' whose only sure referent is the self is hardly a politics at all. (159)

3) As Gammel notes, when personal experiences are expressed via the female voice, they are perceived as being informal and lacking in authority, belonging to the realm of parole rather than the more abstract langue, and as such are dismissed as being of less concern. (160)

3 Counter-Claims:

1) Autobiographical performances are rarely about the (singular) self. (161)

This backs up my point above above performances including the lives and stories of others and are not just based on the life of the performer.

2) The goal of autobiographical work should not be to tell stories about yourself but, instead to use the details of your own life to illuminate or explore something more universal. (170)

This point also can be used within the first claim as it speaks about how not only is one person's story their own but it can also be something that other people have gone through or experienced. An example would be the work of Bobby Baker in which she speaks about mental illness and this is something that is common in the world with many people.

3) They actually relate to it as people, they've had that experience, or similar experience. (183)

Other Claims and Counter-Claims:

1) You need to tailor your performances for certain audiences. (170)

In a way yes you have to tailor a performance to suit certain audiences but if your performance has cultural, historical or a political context it is most likely going to be understood by any audience.
Autobiographical performers looks at the self, past, present and future.

When devising your own solo performance you should look at: WHAT THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE SELF TO THE HISTORICAL, POLITICAL AND CULTURAL?

When you in dialogue with yourself and your dialogue with the audience it becomes more than just a 'me' performance but includes the universal.

2) Even the meaning we ascribe to the 'self,' indeed, the very notion of the 'self,' is culturally located. (165)

How do you construct your solo piece that brings in the political, cultural and historical?
How is your piece dialoguic (past, future, present) (universal elements of your work)

3) My desire to attend autobiographical performance is partly prompted by the need to 'reach for something better, for new ideas about how to be and how to be with each other.' (166)

A story is a performance.
Think within your own pieces what you want to do or what you want the audience to go away with from your performance.
Look at how you going to stage the piece.
Should a performance change the audience, make them become shocked or aware of things?

4) Becky Bekker makes the point that examining differences might in fact result in 'misunderstanding' although, after Peggy Phelan, she recognizes that misunderstanding could themselves be considered 'generative and hopeful,' providing 'oppotunities for conversation.' (177)

C.C Highlighting misunderstandings are not always a negative thing because it is a way of getting the audience to respond and creates a debate.

How do you show multiple positions within your piece?

Bobby Baker:

How does she work with the historical, cultural and political?

Mental illness is such a broad subject and therefore she shows awareness by using the historical within her piece.
She uses a lot of humor and obsedity in her piece.
Themes: Heirachy of suffering.
How her process and methodology informed her performances (by using personal things like her painting) (colors of food)

Real-Time Composition:

We did an exercise in which we had to believe the room was a blank white canvas and one person had to go up and do something or place something in the space. The next person that goes and alters the space with an object we need to vote whether we agree with what they did or not and what ever the majority vote will determine whether we are on the same thought wave length or not and how to proceed from there.

We had to try and keep a line of thought going within this exercise. So by placing an object but not using any text and then trying to see if the audience see's what we see.

A thread of thought, showing and having the audience follow and understand your piece.

The method of Real Time Composition has been developed and systematized by João Fiadeiro since 1995. At a first stage, its main framework was the need to create a system of composition that could be shared by his collaborators along the creative process. In a second stage, it asserted as a tool to explore modalities of dramaturgic writing within the dance field, and was studied, developed and used by several artists and researchers. Since 2005 it has been asserting in the territory of research at large thus widening its range of interest and use beyond the boundaries of dance and even art.

The goal of the “Real Time Composition” method is to put the maker in the position of “mediator” and “facilitator” of the events, blocking his temptation to impose himself by means of the will or the ability to manipulate them. His only “creative act”, should there be any, amounts to the mastery with which he handles the tension, the balance and potential of the material he is dealing with, letting things happen – if they really have to – by themselves.

These are videos of the work by João Fiadeiro on the 'real time composition'

Real Time Composition / Fortaleza / Small Square exercise

Real Time Composition / Fortaleza / Big Square Exercise

Real Time Composition / Forum Dança / Big Square example I

When we first started doing the exercise I could understand what was going on but after a while I felt that it was just becoming too silly because you could actually see where this was going in the fact that people just started putting the same thing one after the other.

Pictures and Text:

Last week we were asked to bring in five personal pictures that we were familiar with and a piece of text from our free writing. We had to pair up and describe our picture in detail to the next person and see if we could say everything that was in the picture.

We had two volunteers go up and describe their picture as we all had a look at it to see if they were really familiar with it.

What I noticed the second time the picture went round I kinda was looking for certain things that was said about the picture that I didn't notice when it went round the first time.

Afternoon Workshop:

Creative Exercise: Where does the stress fall?

In the workshop we had to pair up once again but this time we had to describe our partners picture as much as we could. Then our partner had to tell us what we missed in the picture. From what we missed we had to then choose one and like the exercise we did in the morning 'real time composition' we had to do a movement and the other person had to follow our line of thought and see if they know what element of the picture we chose and try to continue that line of thought.

I found the movement part hard to do because even though at the beginning I knew what she had chosen it was afterwards that it was hard to think of a movement that will continue from there and I felt that in the end we just ended up doing movements that had nothing to do with the picture and ended up getting confused.

Next we had to take our piece of text and look to see if the movement we did would fit with any of the words and try to do a small solo piece from that.

In this exercise none of the movements we did fitted in with any of the words I had written down so that was very hard to do anything with.

After that we had to sit in pairs and talk about what we had written in our text and the concept that we had in mind for our solo piece so that we could get feedback and help on our ideas.

In a way this was a bit helpful because as I am looking more at alter-ego's I was lucky to get some ideas on how to stage the piece. Some of the ideas were those that I had originally thought of so that was good.

Reading One:

Schechner, R. (2000) 'Global and Intercultural Performance' Performance Studies: An Introduction. London: Routledge

This reading looks at globalization and the different performance practices that incorporate many different cultures and ways of making a performance. It looks at how the media and the internet enables people from all over the world to view the same performance and also talk about how there is commonality in whatever work that is made and wherever it is made. Different theorists and practitioner also speaks about the different kinds of performances that use the cultural, the political and the historical. A lot of performances are made by fusing together different aspects of culture, history and politics.

Globalization allows, even encourages, "cultural differences" at the level of daily behaviors, spoken languages, foods, clothes, lifestyles, artistic works, and so on,l its underlying system is unified and transcultural. (226)
Intercultural performance needs to be studies along with globalization because it arises as responses to and in some cases as protests against an increasingly integrated world. (226)
In terms of aesthetic performances there are four kinds of intercultural performance research: 1) Research into artistic processes,
2) Tourist,
3) Hybrid and Fusions,
4) Community-based performances. (226)
[Daryl Chin says,] interculturalism is one which is, in a sense, duplicitous. [It]...hinges on the question of anatomy and empowerment. To deploy elements of the symbol system to another culture is very delicate enterprise. (227)
The detractors of globalization see it as a plot to increase Western, and especially American, hegemony militarily, economically, politically, and culturally. (227)
[Henry Jenkins says,] one of the real potentials of cyberspace it that it is altering the power between media producers and media consumers, enabling grassroot cultural production to reach a border readership and enabling amateurs to construct websites that often look like professional and are more than detailed than commercially produced sites. (228)
[Guillermo Gomez-Pena talks about] the 'information superhighway,' the internet, e-commerce, cable tv, and 'smart' tourism have ideologically narrowed the world and the word. (229)
The USA, many of its cultural exports are already intercultual, e.g. American pop is thoroughly Africanized, its theater heavily influenced by Asia. (230)
By far the most pervasive cultural aspect of globalization is the media - movies, television, radio, recordings, and the internet. Local media adopt local styles so that wherever produced the products are similar. In the future, the internet may prove to be the most powerful medium because it is so difficult to control. (232)
There is virtual and media tourism - part of the explanation for the great popularity of film and television is that it gives people the chance to experience 'the other' without leaving home. Surfing the web yields similar opportunities to experience the far away. (235)
Tourism...allows the tourist to purchase the other, the past, the exotic, the sexy, the exciting...whatever is up for grabs. (236)
Transculturalism: working or theorizing across cultures with the assumption that there are cultural 'universals'-behaviors, concepts, or beliefs that are true to everyone, everywhere, at all times. (244)
[Jerzy Growtowski says,] one access to the creative way consists of discovering in yourself an ancient corporality to which you are bound by a strong ancestral relation. (245)

Reading Two:

Dawn Akemi Saito (2000) ‘Extreme Exposure: An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts from the Twentieth Century, ed. Jo Bonney, New York: Theatre Communications Group. pp. 389 - 397

Within in her piece 'Ha' she talks about how she was born not being able to communicate and the ways that her parents tried to help her. She always reflects on memories of grandfather from the way he looked when she first saw him (with half a face) Her piece begins with how her parents met in a zoo and she performs aspects of things that she may use as a signification of the scene. Such as the zoo in which her parents met she acts out the monkey in the cage with an announcement that you would hear in a zoo describing or giving the history of the particular animal. Also within the piece she blames her grandfather for her lack of communication because she speaks about the experiments he used to do and through those experiments he lost half his face.

Dawn Akemi Saito, actress/performance artist, writer, and Butoh dancer/choreographer has collaborated with major innovative performance groups in the United States, Europe, Asia, and South America. She has also presented her own work, which has been seen in the United States and Europe. Her multidisciplinary works include Blood Cherries, premiered at Dance Theater Workshop; A Face of Our Own, a music/Butoh piece in collaboration with composer Myra Melford presented at the Orpheum Theatre in Graz, Austria; and many others. Saito has taught performance workshops at Columbia University, New York University, University of Massachusetts, Juilliard, Bard College, Lincoln Center Director's Lab, Institut International De La Marionnette in Charleville, France, International Workshops of Drama Schools in Sinaia, Romania, and Fordham Summer Program in Orvieto, Italy. She was a member of the Asian-American Playwrights Group at the Joseph Papp Theatre where she staged readings of her plays Hatchi and Bobbi and Karoke Above the Clouds. HA was published in Theater Communications Group's Extreme Exposure, an anthology of solo performance texts from the twentieth century. Besides her Selected Shorts appearances, Saito has acted in The Road Home at the Taganka Theater in Moscow, Hedda Gabler at The Old Globe Theater (San Diego), Suddenly Last Summer and The Poet at Hartford Stage Co., Kitchen God's Wife at The American Place Theater, any in many other roles at distinguished venues around the world.

Reading Three:

Brenda Wong Aoki (2000) ‘Extreme Exposure: An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts from the Twentieth Century, ed. Jo Bonney, New York: Theatre Communications Group. pp. 265 - 275

A lot of her work is a form of story telling such as in the piece 'Mermaid Meat,' The piece 'Random Acts' is a kind of autobiographical piece and seems based on Aoki's personal life in which her nephew was killed in a shooting.
It is focused around his funeral and the emotions of the people present. It sounds to me like they are in a tribe as it speaks about how the chief stands up and delivers a speech.
What I like about this piece is how Aoki speaks about what emotions and thoughts she went through during the funeral and how she felt towards the killer of her nephew. I think this piece can be said to be universal because I am sure a lot of people would have gone through the same emotions as she did.
Within 'Mermaid Meat,' I felt that it was more fantasy but also in a way linking back to 'Random Acts' in the way that the piece focuses on the price and forgiveness. She had a CD out called 'The Queen's Garden, which is in a format of a story starting with a prologue and ending with a Epilogue.'

Brenda Wong Aoki writes and performs monodramas. Her intense lyrical song/dance/dramas are drawn from her grandfather’s memories of San Francisco during the Great Earthquake, Kabuki legends and her own personal life experience. Aoki’s multidisciplinary performances weave together Japanese Noh, Kyogen Theater, Commedia Dell’Arte, movement and voice. She has performed in such venues as the Kennedy Center, New Victory Theater on Broadway, Hong Kong Performing Arts Center, the Adelaide International Festival in Australia, the Esplanade in Singapore, the Graz Festival Austria and the International House in Tokyo.

This is a TV interview with Brenda Wong Aoki

This link looks at a solo piece written and performed by Dawn Akemi Saito called 'Blood Cherries.' It incorporates text, music and Butoh dance.


Bonney, J (2000) Extreme Exposure: An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts from the Twentieth Century. New York: Theater Communications Group.
Brenda Wong Aoki (2012) 'About Brenda Wong Aoki' (Accessed 4 March 2012)
Dawn Akemi Saito 'Awakening the best in the human spirit' Accessed 4 March 2012)
Dawn Akemi Saito (2003) 'Blood Cherries' Accessed 4 March 2012)
João Fiadeiro (1995) 'Real Time Composition' (Accessed 4 March 2012)
Schechner, R. (2000) 'Global and Intercultural Performance' Performance Studies: An Introduction. London: Routledge
Youtube (2012) 'Brenda Wong Aoki TV Interview' (Accessed 4 March 2012)